The Evolution of HeadShy Continues

The evolution of HeadShy continues. The exploration of HeadShy as a duo with Lisa Lipkin and Clive Deamer. Challenging ourselves and everyone around us. Many new songs and new recordings coming in the near future. Special thanks to Ed Harcourt and our friends at Dave Smith / Sequential Circuits.

HeadShy - Photoshoot & Update

Had a wonderful time with Martin Tompkins during our latest HeadShy photo shoot. We are busy in the lab creating sonic concoctions. Looking forward to getting back on the road. More soon. 


Listening to Final Mixes w/ Clive Deamer

Clive Deamer stopped by HeadShy studios while on tour with Radiohead to listen to final mixes of the new HeadShy album. What a swell guy! 

Clive Deamer and Chico listening to mixes. Clearly Chico is blown away.

I thought his mouth was way bigger - L

Bless his heart. He doesn't know who the rock star is.  With Reese Beeman

After way too much food.... With Lisa Lipkin

HeadShy's Studio Update: Ever So Close.....

We'd like to thank you all for hanging tight with us and welcome all of our new fans. Working on this album is perhaps akin to having a child. A long, slow and occasionally painful gestation period.  In the end we hope to give you something unexpected. We are oh so very close. Just some minor tweaking and then on to mastering. We will have a new  photo shoot for you soon. 

                                                                                         Lisa Lipkin

Wonderful Beach Sloth Review - Triple EP

"With “La Belle Epoque” HeadShy prove themselves to be master practitioners  of chamber pop." 

It is an honor to have such a wonderful review of HeadShy's La Belle Epoque Triple EP  written by the renowned and beloved indy blogger Beach Sloth in New York. He understood, in beautiful detail, what we were trying to convey. Read the full review here.